Friday, March 11, 2011


Normally I'm not one to participate in Lent.  It has never been part of my religious practices.  I do understand and agree with the practice of Lent.  It is normally the fasting of something from our lives in exchange for prayer, meditation, sacrifice for/to God.  It is a time to acknowledge the sacrifices that God gave in order to save people from their sin and spend eternity in Heaven.  This year I think I'm going to give it a shot. 

I've talked a little about being financially fit.  I am paid bi-monthly, as I am a state employee.  Part of adapting to this type of payment style was budgeting which bills I had to pay at the first of the month and which I would pay in the middle of the month.  This was actually pretty easy.  Anything due 1st - 15th, I pay the day after my paycheck comes through at the end of the month.  Anything due 16th - 31st, I pay the day after my paycheck arrives in the middle of the month.  With some of my bills, I was able to adjust the payment due dates so my bills would be distributed more evenly throughout the month.  That way I'm not scraping by one half of the month and living lavishly the next.

I have a few major debts in my life.  One being my car which is close to being paid off.  I've paid a little extra every month and it has cut a few months off the loan cycle.  I called at the beginning of the month to see what my balance was.  The lady stunned me by saying the amount that I had already paid.  I didn't realize this until I had got off the phone.  I thought no need to call back.  I know roughly how much the loan was for.  At the beginning of next month, I'll call again to see how much is owed if I pay it off that day.  One less thing to worry about. 

Once that is taken care of, all the money I was using to pay on my car will be transferred to credit cards.  Ugh... The dreaded credit cards!  I've come close to paying them off and then a wonderful vacation happens and I start back over.  Hopefully with that transfer of income, I'll be paying off those babies right quick!

Anyways, for Lent I'm giving up shopping for myself.  Clothes, accessories, random household items, etc.  I'm sure you all know how much of a clothing addict I am.  Not that I have to go out and buy something every day or every week.  I just love fashion.  Clothes, shoes, jewelry, purses, belts, etc. etc.  I rarely, if ever, purchase anything full price.  However, even sale/clearance purchases add up!  The past few months I've done really well with not shopping.  I have a ton of clothes and have just become more creative with my outfits. 

I am allowing myself a few exceptions.  If I need to purchase something for my Thirty One business, I'll allow it.  It is hopefully going to be used to help make money.  I find that a justifiable expense.  And of course, groceries and household items that are necessary like laundry detergent, paper towels, lightbulbs, etc.  Any of that stuff will be okay to purchase.

Now leave a comment with something that you're giving up for Lent!  Of course, I'll let you know how this goes once Lent is over.  I really think I can stick to this!!

And a quote to laugh about...

"The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one."  ~Erma Bombeck

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