Here is the back story... I've had cable for I don't know how long. They bait you in the promotions price and then once you've been with the company for so long, they jack the prices back up. In addition to receiving a new flyer with price increases every May. I just got sick of calling in to complain about the price of cable and internet services. I would complain and they would do a promo price again for me. Without any promotions, discounts, etc. Comcast wanted me to pay $120 and some change for BASIC digital cable and ECONOMY internet. REALLY??? When you break it down to a daily cost, it is roughly $4. A little more reasonable. With promotions, my cost was around $85 which equated to a little less than $3 a day. Even better.
But wait.... who is actually home 24 hours a day for every single month. Definitely not this girl!! If you think about it, most people are away from their homes at least 8 hours a day. (That is if they have a normal 9 to 5 type of job.) So that leaves 16 hours. Don't forget about sleep. We all wish to get 8 hours a day but it is usually 6 or 7. Let's go with the larger amount though. Now we have 8 hours left of our day spent at home. Then think about the time spent doing extracurricular activities such as dinner with friends, family visits, church, shopping, running errands. We'll say that takes another 1.5 hour a day away from home. 6.5 hours. What about household chores?? Some things you can do while watching television such as laundry or doing dishes. You just do it during the commercials. :) But what about mowing, bills, etc? So we're down to 5.5 hours a day.
Final tally 5.5 hours to use the internet and/or television a day. Definitely more time than what I was getting but I digress. What about weekends?? There are some weekends where I'm not home. There are some weekends where I am home but I'm running around like crazy and don't even turn it on. So I'll give you two weekends of 6 hours a day.
That isn't a whole lot of time. I simply could not justify paying that much money for so little time to use it. I'll admit that I'm craving my internet usage. The television isn't a big deal. I've got my iPhone. I look up the weather there. I watch movies to fill in time and for noise. I'll get used to it eventually. But now I have the time to do the things I need to do around the house. No more distractions. I've already read two books in the past few weeks. It has been forever since I've done that!
Anyone else seriously considered it? (And I apologize, I'm a numbers person.)
"Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other." ~Ann Landers
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