Friday, January 14, 2011

It's just been one of those weeks...

Sorry for those of you who are hating all this snow.  I'm LOVING it!  It does get a tad bit annoying when it disrupts our plans.  In the grand scheme of things, I don't think it deserves all this hatred.  I've always been fascinated by snow.  Maybe it is because of my love for anything that glitters.  :)  With one good snowfall, everything is covered.  Everything is clean, smooth, mysterious even.  Everything suddenly becomes beautiful when covered in snow.

Now I say all of this with the disclaimer that I hate the cold weather unless there is snow.  I'm comfortable around 72 degrees.  Anything less and I'm chilled to the bone!  I purchased some "riding" boots several years ago and have used those the past few winters as my sludging around boots.  This year, I've been on a quest to find some real weather boots.  I purchased some rain boots through because it seemed like a win-win situation for me.  Free shipping both ways.  I wasn't really thrilled with my purchase so I returned them.  I wasn't out a penny!  My next selection were a pair of Sorel's.  I've research winter boots online.  I feel like I've reviewed buyer's comments on every website.  Finally selected a pair and received them yesterday.  On a side note, I purchase a pair of knee high moccasins.  I absolutely love them but I'm not quite sure if I'd ever truly wear them.  We shall see.  I have 365 days to return them to Zappos if I never wear them. :)  I was super excited to get my boots and try them on.  I rip open the box and this is what I see...

That is the other pair of shoes (moccasins) and a bubble wrapped can of Sugar Free Red Bull!  No joke! 

 I don't know what exactly possessed them to include a can of Red Bull with moccasins and snow boots.  Maybe they thought I'd be shoveling driveways or something and would need an extra jolt of energy.  Whatever!  I'm not a fan of Red Bull.  So I regifted it to a co-worker.  Random thought - I wonder if I returned my shipment, if I would have to return the can also.

So here are pictures of my newest purchase!!

They were a little loose in the heel.  I had semi thick socks on.  I'll try my wool socks tomorrow to see if that helps.  They definitely kept my feet warm which was the end goal!

And here's a few of the moccasins and my blue pajama pants.  BTW - if you are a cold natured person like me, these pants are the warmest ever!  I purchased them at Macys in the juniors department.  They are made by Planet Gold and have several different colors.  Plus, they are on sale!!

A few random things that have happened over the week.
  • I've been working on winter wreaths for my doors.  I'll post pictures and such next time.  I finished one but still need to do some tweaking to the second.
  • On my goal of being more financially fit, I'm in the process of cancelling credit cards that I have no need for.  I've cancelled one credit card (State travel card) and am trying to cancel another (Lowes).  It is a very annoying process.  I called one night and was instructed to call during business hours.  Then I had to verbally state I wanted the card cancelled and then fax in a written statement.  UGH!
  • I purchased a buy one get one free massage from American Health Centers located right off of the 29th Street Exit.  I already had one massage.  What a wonderful way to spend an hour.  They called me to offer a free consult with the chiropractor and a free 30 minute massage.  I told them I had already visited the chiropractor.  Then they remembered who I was and said "I'll give you the free 30 minute just for answering the phone."  SCORE!!!
  • Legislature is in session!  That means our year is finally over and a new one begins in the realm of performance reviews.  However, I'm still trying to finish up this report that has been a thorn in my side...  I was moved to another manager.  We'll see how that goes.
  • My family has friends that live in Brisbane, Australia.  Devastating floods do not even begin to describe it.  My grandfather spoke to them earlier this week and so far they have not been effected by the waters.  However, if it raises about 3 meters, they will be.  Please say a pray for everyone being affected by the floods.  Speaking of prayers, pray for the tragedy in Tucson!

With that, I'm off to spend a wonderful three day weekend hopefully doing nothing!!

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."  A. A. Mline


  1. I think your boots are super cute! :-)
    The red bull is hilarious!

  2. The same thing happened to my friend Linda! She couldn't figure out why they sent her Red Bull, lol.
