So much has happened lately where do I begin?
I'm trying to figure out what color to paint my kitchen. I wanted to do a bright yellow but after some counseling, a lighter color may be a better option. But in the back of my mind, I'm thinking I should just buy a 5 gallon bucket of the same color I've used in the hallways and living room. That way every room will be a typical tan/beige-ish color. You can accessorize with color, right?
I helped Seth change most of my light fixtures. I say "helped" in the sense that I picked them out and told him where I wanted them. Maybe once or twice he let me hand him a tool. :) Who knew he was so handy? He did a great job considering the circumstances. The electric in my house need to be gutted and start from scratch. Of course, that isn't something I can do. Regardless, I have a ton of 1970s light fixtures in the basement. I have to figure out what to do with the glass. I've pitched the rest of them already.
New light fixtures. :) The chandelier is in the living room. Flush mounts are throughout the rest of the house with the exception of the bathroom and part of the kitchen. I haven't figured out what to do with those yet.
I have one wall unfinished in my living room. It is a wonderful wall of wood paneling. It did come complete with built in bookshelves and fake fireplace with electric flickering logs. Don't get too excited. I already gave someone the electric flickering logs. I don't know how I ever managed to just give them away. ENOUGH SARCASM! I figured out that the fake fireplace was just held in place with screws. Seth helped me take that out. Again "helped" in that I told him what I wanted to do and he did it! So now I have a wood paneled wall with bookshelves. My plan is to paint different colored stripes on the wall. First, I have to figure out how to get the bookshelf off without damaging it so I can get it back on the wall at a later time.
This is a horrible picture of myself... BUT you can see my paneled wall, ugly fake fireplace and old light fixture! Two of the three are gone. I'm working on the third.
I took ANOTHER load of stuff to Goodwill on Friday. Part of this was from my mother. The majority of it was from my house. I am literally amazed at how much stuff I just have sitting around, wasting space. I already have another box started. I'm starting to think with spring coming that I should go through my clothes to see what I haven't wore in a while.
I hosted girls day on Saturday. There were 4 of us and a baby. Although he's not going to be a baby much longer. He's growing so quickly! It was a wonderful day though. I always enjoy spending time with my friends.
I had Monday off to celebrate President's Day. It will be my last "holiday" from work in a few months. It is hard to go from having a free day at least once a month to nothing! I know I know... Be thankful that I get paid holidays. Trust me. I am VERY thankful! It really was a good weekend though. I had cleaned most of the week before so I had very little to do. Monday was filled with napping and a NCIS marathon.
As of right now, I don't have much going on in March but man sakes alive, April is filling up quickly! Do not fear March. I'll find plenty of things to do. Probably some outdoor activities. I've missed the sunshine and warmer weather!
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman