Wednesday, February 23, 2011

End of the Month Craziness!

Why does it seem that the end of every month is crazy hectic?  A new month starts and things are just strolling along.  Middle of the month turns the corner and it is 100 miles a minute again!  Sheer madness I tell you!

So much has happened lately where do I begin?


I'm trying to figure out what color to paint my kitchen.  I wanted to do a bright yellow but after some counseling, a lighter color may be a better option.  But in the back of my mind, I'm thinking I should just buy a 5 gallon bucket of the same color I've used in the hallways and living room.  That way every room will be a typical tan/beige-ish color.  You can accessorize with color, right?

I helped Seth change most of my light fixtures.  I say "helped" in the sense that I picked them out and told him where I wanted them.  Maybe once or twice he let me hand him a tool.  :)  Who knew he was so handy?  He did a great job considering the circumstances.  The electric in my house need to be gutted and start from scratch.  Of course, that isn't something I can do.  Regardless, I have a ton of 1970s light fixtures in the basement.  I have to figure out what to do with the glass.  I've pitched the rest of them already.

New light fixtures. :)  The chandelier is in the living room.  Flush mounts are throughout the rest of the house with the exception of the bathroom and part of the kitchen.  I haven't figured out what to do with those yet.

I have one wall unfinished in my living room.  It is a wonderful wall of wood paneling.  It did come complete with built in bookshelves and fake fireplace with electric flickering logs.  Don't get too excited.  I already gave someone the electric flickering logs.  I don't know how I ever managed to just give them away.  ENOUGH SARCASM!  I figured out that the fake fireplace was just held in place with screws.  Seth helped me take that out.  Again "helped" in that I told him what I wanted to do and he did it!  So now I have a wood paneled wall with bookshelves.  My plan is to paint different colored stripes on the wall.  First, I have to figure out how to get the bookshelf off without damaging it so I can get it back on the wall at a later time.

This is a horrible picture of myself...  BUT you can see my paneled wall, ugly fake fireplace and old light fixture!  Two of the three are gone.  I'm working on the third.

I took ANOTHER load of stuff to Goodwill on Friday.  Part of this was from my mother.  The majority of it was from my house.  I am literally amazed at how much stuff I just have sitting around, wasting space.  I already have another box started.  I'm starting to think with spring coming that I should go through my clothes to see what I haven't wore in a while.


I hosted girls day on Saturday.  There were 4 of us and a baby.  Although he's not going to be a baby much longer.  He's growing so quickly!  It was a wonderful day though.  I always enjoy spending time with my friends.

I was going to have a Thirty One party later that evening but a lot of people had cancelled.  So... It turned into a catalog order.  (If you are interested in ordering, get back to me before Friday!)  In addition to the catalog order, I decided to become a consultant.  I've never wanted to sell anything unless I believed in it and would use the product myself.  I am in love with Thirty One!  So if you would like to have a party, let me know.  I've received most of my enrollment kit and am ready to start selling. :)

I had Monday off to celebrate President's Day.  It will be my last "holiday" from work in a few months.  It is hard to go from having a free day at least once a month to nothing!  I know I know... Be thankful that I get paid holidays.  Trust me.  I am VERY thankful!  It really was a good weekend though.  I had cleaned most of the week before so I had very little to do.  Monday was filled with napping and a NCIS marathon.

As of right now, I don't have much going on in March but man sakes alive, April is filling up quickly!  Do not fear March.  I'll find plenty of things to do.  Probably some outdoor activities.  I've missed the sunshine and warmer weather!

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

No I'm not going to get all mushy - gushy on you!!  I'm one for a good love story or romantic comedy.  I am very happy with Seth and enjoy our time spent together. I don't need to put my love life on display for everyone to read about.  We are both fairly private people.  So I'll leave it at that.  But I will give you a picture!

There are so many people that go to the extremes of LOVING or HATING Valentine's Day.  I see both sides.  I would urge those who are on the extremes to try to see the other point of view.  But first, what is Valentine's Day all about?

According to Wikipedia (the most reliable Internet source....) : P

Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs, Saint Valentine, and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.  Modern Valentine's Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards.

Now that we know where we are coming from... 

This being my first Valentine's Day with a significant other in a while, naturally I think of Seth and I spending time together.  As I read statuses on Facebook and peruse the articles relating to love, relationships, gifts, etc., I'm thinking what am I missing here.  You should show your love for people all the time.  Not just one day.  Some people struggle with showing affection for others.  I know I have in the past.  The feeling of being vulnerable and rejected is sometimes overwhelming.  As years pass by and people that I love are lost, I become better at telling people my feelings.  I still struggle with a fear of rejection.  Remember that song "Say" by John Mayer.  It came out as a single for the movie "Bucket List."  I think watching that movie and hearing that song playing during the end credits, it finally clicked. 

"Even if your hands are shaking, And your faith is broken, Even as the eyes are closing, Do it with a heart wide open, Say what you need to say."

If you never tell people how you feel, they will never know.  So get out there and tell people how you feel about them!

In case you didn't know, I joined a sorority in college.  I thought of it more as a networking/business transaction.  I figured I would have some friends from it but never have a group of girlfriends that have such an amazing bond.  Our history isn't the smoothest sailing.  Do Not Be Fooled!!  Come on.  A group of strong willed, independent, intelligent women.  Disagreements are bound to happen.  BUT... we have such a love and appreciation for each other.  At a moments notice, we could call anyone and know that we have help on the way!  For these girls, I'm truly grateful.  I try to tell them I love them as much as I can because I truly do.

And finally, FAMILY!!!  I know I take my family for granted.  They are family.  They will always be there.  Well no they won't.  Unfortunately, I lost my grandmother this past fall.  The matriarch of the family and it has been devastating.  Even typing this I get choked up thinking about her and the love she had for everyone of us.  She only wanted to see us happy and healthy.  My family is rather quiet and reserved.  We aren't much for talking but when we do, it is important.  As I get older, I appreciate the way I raised more and more.  I appreciate the sheltered and naive life I have lived.  Because of that, I love my family more and more.  Again, do not be fooled that we are the perfect little family.  We definitely have our faults.  One of the best parts of getting mad at each other is that we know in the end, we love each other and will support each other until the end.

Now I know that many of you are still hating on Valentine's Day because it is a "Hallmark Holiday."  That is all well and good.  At least someone buys into it to keep us marketers employed.  ;)  If you truly feel that way, don't buy into it but go love on someone whether it be your significant other, friends or family.  Heck, go love on an animal or two!  On the flip side, for all of you who want to publicly display your affection.... PLEASE keep it G!  We don't want to see you swapping spit or professing your love for someone you just met.  Love takes time.

"Love doesn't just happen - we choose it."

Friday, February 4, 2011


For anyone who listens to K Love, this title sounds familiar.  They have discussion about "Wow God" where your just astonished, amazed, surprised by something because of God's movement throughout your life.  I posted a blog ("Thinking Out Loud") a short while ago about trying to figure out what was important in my life.  Sometimes I'm a bit hard headed or stubborn.  Yes, I'm admitting it!  But I feel like I'm having a "Wow God" moment.

I will fully admit that my walk with God is far from what I think it should be!  It is a daily struggle.  Many people think that because they are active in church or doing "good" works means that their relationship with God is where it should be.  I believe those people are wrong.  You need a daily walk with Christ and I have failed in this department.

Sure I'm pretty active with church.  In the past few months, I haven't been as active and I truly hate that.  I wish I had a clone so I could be in two places at once!!  Some days I pray.  Usually it is when I hop into bed and am thinking about everything.  After a few minutes, I'm out cold.  Not exactly the most efficient way to communicate as I'm sure many of you have experienced with friends, significant others and loved ones.  I don't read my Bible every day either.  Sometimes I'm lucky if it is once a week.  Sure I have an app on my phone for devotions.  Some days I'll look at that.  It is not a daily thing though.  I have recently signed up for a daily quote email and a daily and weekly devotional.  All of these are making me feel closer to God.  It doesn't take much.  If we simply increase our awareness, we can feel and hear God in our lives.  My last blog regarding religion hopefully explained that I'm having an abundance of awareness lately!

I was checking my email earlier this morning and opened the daily devotional.  It is from a website  Today's devotional was about depression and patience citing Psalm 40:1.  WOW GOD! 

  1. I was reading Psalm 37 on Wednesday night and decided to flip over to chapter 40.  I glanced through it and said I'll read it tomorrow.  
  2. One of my friends from church had posted this scripture on his Facebook page yesterday which reminded me of...
  3. When I was a young girl, I was presented a pretty pink Bible given to me when I was baptised.  I went through highlighting anything and everything that seemed to fit my life at that point in time.  One of my favorites was Psalm 40:1.  
  4. I read the chapter last night for my devotional.  
  5. Then it is capped off by reading it in the devotion today. 
Three days in a row!!!  God, my eyes and ears are now open.  So what does the scripture even say?? 

Psalm 40:1 NIV - I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.

So... Yes God I hear you.  You want me to be patient. 

I have been told I have the patience of a saint.  Well that usually only happens when it isn't for me, when I'm not that concerned - it isn't life or death, OR when I know it will happen eventually.  I'm not so patient when I'm unsure of the outcome.  I want to hurry up and get it over with.  It kind of relates to that planner in me.  If I know what to expect, I can plan.  I'm ready for it.  I'm not good at the unknown.

This is one of those times when I wish that I could be completely open and honest with you.  However, this is a public blog and at any point in time, someone could run across this and have a hey day.  I'm not going to give them the opportunity.  So I've just been struggling with something.  I feel trapped, almost like a prisoner.  God is hearing my crys though.  He is putting this same scripture in front of me so that I know he hears me.  He wants to say be patient.  So I will try to be patient and know that he will answer my prayers.  Granted I'm praying for this one thing.  It may not be what he has in store for me but I don't know what else to pray for right now.  So I just pray.

I want to end this saying that I write this not to say "Woe is me."  I write this to share my experiences of God moving in my life.  I hope that it inspires you to increase your faith or your awareness for God's blessings.  I hope everyone has a blessed day and an amazing weekend!!

“Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.” ~  Corazon Aquino

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's February Already?

I spent the weekend in Summersville again.  We went over to Hawks Nest, Fayetteville and finished up Saturday in Beckley.  Sunday we were basically bums.  Movies and television all day.  I don't get those days too often so it was nice. 

Now that it is the workweek - back to the normal grind.  No fun trips or laziness which brings me to my next topic.

The Basement...

I HATE basements.  I think I was traumatized by scary movies where someone is lurking in the darkness of the basement ready to get you.  I'm a chicken - what can I say.  BUT over the past week or so, I've been a good little girl and actually ventured into my basement.  My basement is basically divided into two sections.  One is an actual garage and the other is still living space.  Several years ago, my basement flooded twice in a matter of about 18 months (blown water heater and blown pipes from the washer).  After the second time, I gave up on trying to do anything with the space and really haven't done anything since.  I, of course, have to go down to the basement to do laundry and deposit recyclables but other than that, it is a ghost town.

A few weeks ago, my brother dropped off a pool table.  I had to figure out somewhere to put it.  The living space was kind of full, so we put it in the garage.  I finally put together that plastic shevling unit and organized most of those random things on the garage floor.  Through this, I found out I have a ridiculous amount of flower pots!  I'm thinking I may purchase one more shelving unit to get completely organized.  I also had a rubbermaid full of hangers in my garage.  So if anyone needs plastic hangers that you would find at department stores such as Macys... I've got plenty to give away!!  I also swept and threw away some nonsense stuff.  I felt pretty good about myself.

Last week, I went down again to try to keep the cleaning momentum going.  I ended up moving all of my decorations into one area and need to purchase a few more rubbermaids to completely store all of my decorations.  THEY KEEP MULTIPLYING!  I think I only have a few more boxes to take to Goodwill (hopefully)! The rest of the area will then be trying to put things back in their rightful spot OR giving it back to their rightful owner.  My family is notorious for bringing stuff and leaving it at my house.  Sometimes it is good stuff.  Other times, I have absolutely no use for it.  Example - crutches or a Carhartt looking jacket w/ reflective tape all over it.  I certainly hope I won't need either of those ever!

Girls Day

For the month of February, I will be hosting girl's day.  In case you don't know, this is a day for myself and several friends to get together to catch up on each other's lives.  We try to keep up via Facebook and blogs but there is nothing like getting together to laugh and share stories.  Now that I've agreed to host, I'm going to attempt to baby-proof the house as much as possible.  I'll have to do a thorough cleaning as well.  I'll admit, the house needs it anyways.  This is a perfect reason to get on it!  The group has three children under 7-8 months and one 3.5 year old.  Not that they will really be getting into anything.  I would just like to play it safe. :)  I'm not sure on any of the details.  Last time we enjoyed soups and salads.  I'm thinking I may do the same.  I think there is nothing better than a hot bowl of soup on a cold winter day!

I will also be hosting a Thirty One party later that evening.  I'm a HUGE fan of Thirty One products so I'm very excited about that!!  I'll have to come up with some finger foods that are slightly more sustaining since I'll be having it around 5pm.  By the way, if anyone would like to place an order or attend the Thirty One party, let me know and I'll send details as soon as I receive them.

Other Events

Surprisingly I don't have much else planned.  Of course, we will all have Valentines Day.  Thankfully I have President's Day off. :)  I've also got my semi-annual check up with the dentist for the end of the month.  I hope everyone has a wonderful February!!

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."  ~ Morrie Schwartz