Friday, February 4, 2011


For anyone who listens to K Love, this title sounds familiar.  They have discussion about "Wow God" where your just astonished, amazed, surprised by something because of God's movement throughout your life.  I posted a blog ("Thinking Out Loud") a short while ago about trying to figure out what was important in my life.  Sometimes I'm a bit hard headed or stubborn.  Yes, I'm admitting it!  But I feel like I'm having a "Wow God" moment.

I will fully admit that my walk with God is far from what I think it should be!  It is a daily struggle.  Many people think that because they are active in church or doing "good" works means that their relationship with God is where it should be.  I believe those people are wrong.  You need a daily walk with Christ and I have failed in this department.

Sure I'm pretty active with church.  In the past few months, I haven't been as active and I truly hate that.  I wish I had a clone so I could be in two places at once!!  Some days I pray.  Usually it is when I hop into bed and am thinking about everything.  After a few minutes, I'm out cold.  Not exactly the most efficient way to communicate as I'm sure many of you have experienced with friends, significant others and loved ones.  I don't read my Bible every day either.  Sometimes I'm lucky if it is once a week.  Sure I have an app on my phone for devotions.  Some days I'll look at that.  It is not a daily thing though.  I have recently signed up for a daily quote email and a daily and weekly devotional.  All of these are making me feel closer to God.  It doesn't take much.  If we simply increase our awareness, we can feel and hear God in our lives.  My last blog regarding religion hopefully explained that I'm having an abundance of awareness lately!

I was checking my email earlier this morning and opened the daily devotional.  It is from a website  Today's devotional was about depression and patience citing Psalm 40:1.  WOW GOD! 

  1. I was reading Psalm 37 on Wednesday night and decided to flip over to chapter 40.  I glanced through it and said I'll read it tomorrow.  
  2. One of my friends from church had posted this scripture on his Facebook page yesterday which reminded me of...
  3. When I was a young girl, I was presented a pretty pink Bible given to me when I was baptised.  I went through highlighting anything and everything that seemed to fit my life at that point in time.  One of my favorites was Psalm 40:1.  
  4. I read the chapter last night for my devotional.  
  5. Then it is capped off by reading it in the devotion today. 
Three days in a row!!!  God, my eyes and ears are now open.  So what does the scripture even say?? 

Psalm 40:1 NIV - I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.

So... Yes God I hear you.  You want me to be patient. 

I have been told I have the patience of a saint.  Well that usually only happens when it isn't for me, when I'm not that concerned - it isn't life or death, OR when I know it will happen eventually.  I'm not so patient when I'm unsure of the outcome.  I want to hurry up and get it over with.  It kind of relates to that planner in me.  If I know what to expect, I can plan.  I'm ready for it.  I'm not good at the unknown.

This is one of those times when I wish that I could be completely open and honest with you.  However, this is a public blog and at any point in time, someone could run across this and have a hey day.  I'm not going to give them the opportunity.  So I've just been struggling with something.  I feel trapped, almost like a prisoner.  God is hearing my crys though.  He is putting this same scripture in front of me so that I know he hears me.  He wants to say be patient.  So I will try to be patient and know that he will answer my prayers.  Granted I'm praying for this one thing.  It may not be what he has in store for me but I don't know what else to pray for right now.  So I just pray.

I want to end this saying that I write this not to say "Woe is me."  I write this to share my experiences of God moving in my life.  I hope that it inspires you to increase your faith or your awareness for God's blessings.  I hope everyone has a blessed day and an amazing weekend!!

“Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.” ~  Corazon Aquino

1 comment:

  1. awesome I needed this sounds like we struggling with the same promblem add me if you want too
