No I'm not going to get all mushy - gushy on you!! I'm one for a good love story or romantic comedy. I am very happy with Seth and enjoy our time spent together. I don't need to put my love life on display for everyone to read about. We are both fairly private people. So I'll leave it at that. But I will give you a picture!
There are so many people that go to the extremes of LOVING or HATING Valentine's Day. I see both sides. I would urge those who are on the extremes to try to see the other point of view. But first, what is Valentine's Day all about?
According to Wikipedia (the most reliable Internet source....) : P
Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs, Saint Valentine, and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. Modern Valentine's Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards.
Now that we know where we are coming from...
This being my first Valentine's Day with a significant other in a while, naturally I think of Seth and I spending time together. As I read statuses on Facebook and peruse the articles relating to love, relationships, gifts, etc., I'm thinking what am I missing here. You should show your love for people all the time. Not just one day. Some people struggle with showing affection for others. I know I have in the past. The feeling of being vulnerable and rejected is sometimes overwhelming. As years pass by and people that I love are lost, I become better at telling people my feelings. I still struggle with a fear of rejection. Remember that song "Say" by John Mayer. It came out as a single for the movie "Bucket List." I think watching that movie and hearing that song playing during the end credits, it finally clicked.
"Even if your hands are shaking, And your faith is broken, Even as the eyes are closing, Do it with a heart wide open, Say what you need to say."
If you never tell people how you feel, they will never know. So get out there and tell people how you feel about them!
In case you didn't know, I joined a sorority in college. I thought of it more as a networking/business transaction. I figured I would have some friends from it but never have a group of girlfriends that have such an amazing bond. Our history isn't the smoothest sailing. Do Not Be Fooled!! Come on. A group of strong willed, independent, intelligent women. Disagreements are bound to happen. BUT... we have such a love and appreciation for each other. At a moments notice, we could call anyone and know that we have help on the way! For these girls, I'm truly grateful. I try to tell them I love them as much as I can because I truly do.
And finally, FAMILY!!! I know I take my family for granted. They are family. They will always be there. Well no they won't. Unfortunately, I lost my grandmother this past fall. The matriarch of the family and it has been devastating. Even typing this I get choked up thinking about her and the love she had for everyone of us. She only wanted to see us happy and healthy. My family is rather quiet and reserved. We aren't much for talking but when we do, it is important. As I get older, I appreciate the way I raised more and more. I appreciate the sheltered and naive life I have lived. Because of that, I love my family more and more. Again, do not be fooled that we are the perfect little family. We definitely have our faults. One of the best parts of getting mad at each other is that we know in the end, we love each other and will support each other until the end.
Now I know that many of you are still hating on Valentine's Day because it is a "Hallmark Holiday." That is all well and good. At least someone buys into it to keep us marketers employed. ;) If you truly feel that way, don't buy into it but go love on someone whether it be your significant other, friends or family. Heck, go love on an animal or two! On the flip side, for all of you who want to publicly display your affection.... PLEASE keep it G! We don't want to see you swapping spit or professing your love for someone you just met. Love takes time.
"Love doesn't just happen - we choose it."
I read it, where's my kiss?