Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"I was Born with a Suitcase in my Hand."

The title is from Little Big Town's song "I'm with the Band".  Lyrics about traveling around, chasing dreams of performing, never really knowing where you are but enjoying the ride.  I'm not trying to talk about being in a band.  I gave up the performer dream when I was like 12.  Okay maybe when I was 16.  I'm not really sure when but I know it was a long time ago!  I am here to talk about traveling though!!!

As many of you do know, I've got a serious case of the travel bug.  Basically every weekend is booked with travels to see the boyfriend, home, adventures with friends, vacations, etc.  I've become very good at packing all the essentials and doing it quickly.  Blame it on genetics!  My family, well part of my family, has a serious itch to see anything and everything.  My grandmother had been to every continent with the exception of South America.  (At least I can't remember her discussing any travels there.)  She traveled with her sister, her husband, children, mother, travel groups, basically anyone that would go.  It didn't really matter.  She just wanted to see it all.  I thank her for getting out to see the world.  It definitely opened her eyes and thus opened the eyes of the rest of her family.  I'm secretly wishing I were at home so I could find some photos and post for you to see.  Places, I can think of off the top of my head, she traveled to include: Israel, Australia, Egypt, Greece, Russia.  I know there are so many more!!

Maybe I'm a little biased... My grandmother was awesome!  Funny how I'm trying to tell you about my travels and I end up talking about my grandmother...  Her name was Dorcas and she said "Call me Dork."  She was Grama to me.  I would get to their house and if I didn't see her immediately sitting in her rocking chair, I'd start yelling for her.  She'd call out wherever she was and I'd wander around until a smile was on my face.  I kinda do that with my mom now.  Grama had a crazy sweet tooth and read constantly.  To say she was a book worm would be an understatement!  She used to take old boxes and put contact paper on them to us as her organization system.  And wow she left notes for everyone, everywhere!  Made the best pies and apple cake.

I digress.... Grama valued education.  It was instilled in her even during a time when money was tight and women were supposed to be homemakers.  She graduated high school and went off to college.  She passed on the importance of an education to her children and grandchildren.  She also made it a point to say that I could get married whenever I liked.  "Don't worry about boys." she said.  But to her, I think part of education was traveling and exploring.  You learn so much from seeing different things, tasting different foods, experiencing different cultures, trying to understand people with different accents and even different languages.  I remember reading an article that said if you travel with your young children, they are more likely to be open to new things when they are older.  I believe it!

I remember when she was in the hospital around September sometime.  It was a good day for her and things seemed to be going well at least for the time being.  There were all kinds of things wrong with her.  She had a tracheotomy and wasn't able to talk without some type of device.  She mouthed to me to ask if I had traveled anymore lately.  Shamefully I hadn't.  I mentioned going to Jamaica with my sister and friend.  She just grinned.  Previously over the summer, I had gone to concerts, visited different cities, talked about future plans with her.  Her eyes sparkled as I highlighted the food, sights and even misfortunes.

Right now, my sister is hopefully in her bed sleeping after a whirlwind European travel excursion for her birthday.  I won't tell her age but let's just say that it is one of those that really hits hard.  :P  She put something on Facebook about traveling to keep Grama close to her.  At first, I thought she had committed a gaffe.  I'm not one to declare emotions or feelings in public.  But here I am writing about them.  I suppose my sister is right though.  Traveling helps keep memories of people, places and things alive.  Maybe that is part of why I'm going to share my adventures with you.  To keep the memories of my Grama and my adventures alive.  So as another summer is in full force, I'm going to give you a series of blogs on my travels.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  My travel bucket list.  Travel traditions I have created along the way.  Keepsakes and mementos that I've collected too!  I will also try to grab some pictures of Grama in her travel adventures just to share with you. 

"What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do - especially in other people's minds.  When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then.  People don't have your past to hold against you.  No yesterdays on the road."  ~William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where has June Gone??

Really is it already June 23?? My most favorite month is over half way gone. :(  So sad.  To brighten my day, I'll tell you what I've been doing as of late.

House projects

I mentioned a LONG time ago that I was working on painting my living room wall of paneling.  It is nearly completed.  I still need to paint the trim.  Other than that, it is well on its way.  I didn't take a finished photograph before I started putting everything back on my bookshelves.  I was WAY too anxious about being finished.  I will give you all the photographs on another blog.  The project was super easy.  It was just dedicating the time to get it done.  I've rearranged my furniture also.  This way it focuses on my newly painted wall!

I've also been planting some flowers and greenery around the house.  Trying to spruce it up.  I absolutely hate weeding flower beds.  I've procrastinated long enough on these tasks.  I guess I'll get cracking on that later tonight.

Couple weekends with the beau.

I spent a few weekends with Seth and his family.  I enjoy it because not only do I get to spend quality time with Seth but it is also so calm and peaceful.  When I stay at home, there is always a list of things to do, people to see, places to go.  There is no agenda at Seth's.  Just peace and quiet.

And well goofiness :)

Camping trip with the Youth Group

The kids headed out Thursday to stay at Beech Fork.  I unfortunately had to work so I didn't make it out there until Friday evening.  I'll tell on myself.  I totally drove out to Wayne to only find out that I had to drive back into town and go down Rt. 10 to get to the camping portion of the lake.  Thankfully there was a State Trooper there to guide me back.  I was only there for a night but it was wonderful.  I'm almost always at peace in nature.  The kids were great.  A little slow in the morning but great.  We wanted to go play on the lake but nature decided that it wanted to rain... So we called it a day.

Shoop's 4th Annual White Party

Some of my girlfriends and I hit up Shoop's for Shoop's White Party.  Yes I just did that.  He jokes that he has a bar just for the party.  I doubt that.  Regardless, I had a wonderful time.  I'm always game for dressing up!  I purchased the dress on the Internet for relatively cheap.  I found the shoes at Macys on clearance.  On another trip, I found the jewelry on clearance as well.  I used a gold Coach clutch (which I also got on massive discount!) that I've had for a while.

I also had some great conversations with friends.  I don't get out much anymore so it was nice to catch up with old friends and meet a few new people.  Of course, I hit up the dance floor for a while.  I'm a bit out of practice though so my feet and legs were hurting!  I finally called it a night around 1am and left the girls to keep the party going. ;)  And surprisingly I didn't take a ton of pictures like I normally would.  I only took a few and here is what I think is the best one of me.  Plus you can see part of the dress and jewelry!

So many more things have been going on but these are the main events.  I've been crazy busy at work trying to finish a report.  As always, I've been doing the normal household chores - dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc. 

Life is a crazy adventure.  It's nice to know you can take a few moments to sit back and enjoy it all.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One Day At a Time

People have said that I have the patience of a saint.  They must not know me then.  Well I take that back.  They must not see the real, nitty gritty, backed against the wall Sarah.  Few people actually get to see that side of me.  To be honest, I prefer no one see me like that.  It is scary.

Sure when I worked at Macys, I was the one that customers gravitated towards when they were looking for an item.  As long as they were willing to wait, I would track down an item for them at different stores.  As you continue to do this, you quickly learn the things to not do!!  I learned to not call Florida stores because I couldn't understand most of the associates nor could they understand me.  (I swear I do not have a typical West Virginia accent!)  I also remembered from my own shopping days that Pennsylvania is usually cheaper because they don't tax merchandise.  So the tax/shipping costs balance out.  It was all part of the job.  It just seemed to customers like I went above and beyond.  I didn't find it a hard task at all.  It was just a matter of how badly the customer wanted it.  Determination.

Now flash forward to today.  I'm struggling to find my way.  I have completely lost my patience.  I feel like I'm floundering trying to make every aspect of life work.  Correction - I don't have to make my relationship work thankfully.  It is going along swimmingly. :)  So every aspect except one.  (And again, I'm sure I'm exaggerating this.  You get my point though.)  I would almost venture to say that I have lost my faith.  I really haven't though.  I've just lost touch with reality and God.  I'm struggling to follow his will instead of my own.  I know he's there.  I pray and read my Bible.  I'm just kind of ignoring him.  And as the collective gasps and sucks the Earth out of its rotation, even the strongest of Christians struggles with doing God's will.  I'm not claiming to be anywhere close to the strongest.  Again, trying to be honest here.

I think everyone struggles at some point in their life thinking about if they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.  Maybe it is the money, the enjoyment, the time, the non-monetary reward, etc.  I don't know.  I would venture to guess that it all boils down to happiness.  They say money can't buy happiness.  I'm not looking for money here.  I'm not happy and I just want to be happy.    Am I blessed, YES!  I'm very lucky to have a job and benefits in this time of recession.  I don't care what people say.  We aren't out of it and won't be for a long time.  That is off the subject though...

I feel like God is calling me to something.  He's whispered things for a few months.  A few weeks ago, he was squeezing my heart.  Trying to get my attention.  I heard what he had to say and cried.  I've never felt so uneasy in my life.  Then of course, I let life take over.  Consuming me with busyness and ignorance.  Surprise... He hasn't gone away.  Still patiently waiting for me to respond.  I asked my pastor on Sunday.  I didn't give details - just like I'm not giving you any details.  He said that he's struggled with the same thing before.  I just have to surrender one day at a time.  Really?  There is no quick fix?  Well crap.  I knew that though...  I was looking for a way out.

So how do I go against everything that I've been taught and/or believed?  I don't know.  Somehow I just give up every day though.  I suppose I should become more open to the thought.  Maybe research the subject.  Those may be good starting points.  To be perfectly honest, God hasn't given specifics.  Just said I want you to do this.  It is such a broad area.  I don't know how or when or why or where or anything.  Just that it is what he wants me to do.  I have a sneaky suspicion on where he is leading me.  I don't exactly know how I'm going to do that with my current education and work background.  So here I go into the world of the unknown.  Say a little prayer for me that God will direct me slowly and steadily (and that he gives me the peace and assurance I need along the way!)

"So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." ~ Galatians 6:9

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cable. What cable??

Goodbye Comcast!!  I feel like I should celebrate.  This evil company is out of my life.  Since June 1, my life has been quieter.  I've had a little more money in my pocket though!

Here is the back story...  I've had cable for I don't know how long.  They bait you in the promotions price and then once you've been with the company for so long, they jack the prices back up.  In addition to receiving a new flyer with price increases every May.  I just got sick of calling in to complain about the price of cable and internet services.  I would complain and they would do a promo price again for me.  Without any promotions, discounts, etc. Comcast wanted me to pay $120 and some change for BASIC digital cable and ECONOMY internet.  REALLY???  When you break it down to a daily cost, it is roughly $4.  A little more reasonable.  With promotions, my cost was around $85 which equated to a little less than $3 a day.  Even better. 

But wait.... who is actually home 24 hours a day for every single month.  Definitely not this girl!!  If you think about it, most people are away from their homes at least 8 hours a day.  (That is if they have a normal 9 to 5 type of job.)  So that leaves 16 hours.  Don't forget about sleep.  We all wish to get 8 hours a day but it is usually 6 or 7.  Let's go with the larger amount though.  Now we have 8 hours left of our day spent at home.  Then think about the time spent doing extracurricular activities such as dinner with friends, family visits, church, shopping, running errands.  We'll say that takes another 1.5 hour a day away from home.  6.5 hours.  What about household chores??  Some things you can do while watching television such as laundry or doing dishes.  You just do it during the commercials. :)  But what about mowing, bills, etc?  So we're down to 5.5 hours a day. 

Final tally 5.5 hours to use the internet and/or television a day.  Definitely more time than what I was getting but I digress.  What about weekends??  There are some weekends where I'm not home.  There are some weekends where I am home but I'm running around like crazy and don't even turn it on.  So I'll give you two weekends of 6 hours a day.

That isn't a whole lot of time.  I simply could not justify paying that much money for so little time to use it.  I'll admit that I'm craving my internet usage.  The television isn't a big deal.  I've got my iPhone.  I look up the weather there.  I watch movies to fill in time and for noise.  I'll get used to it eventually.  But now I have the time to do the things I need to do around the house.  No more distractions.  I've already read two books in the past few weeks.  It has been forever since I've done that!

Anyone else seriously considered it?  (And I apologize, I'm a numbers person.)

"Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other."  ~Ann Landers

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Promise that I am alive

I'm taking a quick and I mean SUPER QUICK break from work to let you all know that I'm alive.  I really have actually had so many things to blog about but haven't really had the time.  With the start of summer has come so many new things for me to get busy with.  Unfortunately, this report that I've been working on for what feels like forever is possibly finally coming to an end.  This means I am cracking the whip.  I got to work before 7am this morning.  I'll probably stay late hoping to finish one issue.  Then on to editing and probably writing more for the second issue.  I've already finished one and the boss is tweaking it.  Church is having VBS this week and I've had to skip out on it because of work.  I did go last night but probably should have stayed at home to work.  I'm also trying a new "diet" and I use the word diet loosely.  I'm meaning diet in the sense that I'm changing the types of foods I eat and what vitamins/minerals I supplement.  I felt kinda crappy Monday so that went out the window.  Maybe I will pick it back up next week. 

With all of these things and so much more, I've been feeling crazy overwhelmed.  When I get to that point, I start shutting down.  So if you think I'm flaking on you, I apologize.  I'm not good at being completely swamped.  I kind of had a break down last week.  It was more of a break down between me and God.  I think he is calling me to something but I don't know.  It is scary and wracking my nerves.  Who knows!!  It may be a couple weeks before I give you anything of substance. :P

"Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness."  ~Richard Carlson

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Let's Hear it for the Boy!

"My baby he don't talk sweet, He ain't got much to say, But he loves me, loves me, loves me, I know that he loves me anyway... Let's hear it for the boy, Let's give the boy a hand, Let's hear it for my baby..."  "Let's Hear It for the Boy" by Deniece Williams and the soundtrack to Footloose.  Talk about a throw back - 1984!

That pretty much sums up the weekend events for me.  I really truly try to avoid getting all mushy gushy and revealing too many details.  I am so strongly urged to tell you this once though.  Seth gets the awesome title for the week (maybe even the month but I didn't want it to go to his head)!  This past weekend, Seth came in for a visit.  We did the usual Memorial Day cookout thing.  A day of napping and off to see the new Pirates movie (which was good.  They totally left it open for more movies.)  Then we spent ALL of Monday doing yard work.  He did the "heavy lifting" ie cutting bushes and putting up my hammock.  I mowed and bagged all the clippings.  Several bags (6 lawn bags plus big stuff that wouldn't fit in a bag) later... it is 8:30pm and we are both burnt and exhausted.  I don't need expensive gifts or money to make me happy.  Just a boy that isn't afraid of work and willingly offers to help me out.

The yard looks 10 times better than before.  I'm trying to keep the yard as little maintenance as possible but still look nice.  I potted some wave petunias a few weeks ago.  I absolutely LOVE them.  Just water and watch them grow!  I also purchased some hosta plants and need to get those in the ground.  I tried one spot last night but the ground was rock hard.  Now I'm just trying to figure out how I can still plant it there or find a new spot to put it.    I've also got to weed and mulch my lilies.  I separated them earlier this spring and am hoping that they will still bloom.  Speaking of separating flowers, I need to separate a peace lily that started out big and has completely outgrown the pot!  Let's just say my Grandmother is still around in her own way. ;)

And sorry I didn't take any pictures.  Maybe once everything is completed, I'll give you a glimpse.  More importantly, is anyone else doing yard work this summer??  If so, what jobs are you working on?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It is JUNE!!!

"How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways..."

Yes.  I totally went all Shakespeare on you!  I absolutely love June.  Seeing as how today is June 1, I thought it would be a perfect read for you. :)

  1. Summer begins June 21!
  2. SUMMER. CLOTHES.  Shorts, skirts, dresses, sandals, tank tops, etc.  Nothing is better than finally being able to shed the layers of winter clothes.  Summer clothes are so lightweight and comfortable.  Only downside is keeping it office appropriate.
  3. West Virginia Day! June 20, 1863, West Virginia officially became a state.  I'm a huge fan of WV.  And it just so happens that as a state employee, I get the day off which sweetens the day that much more.
  4. My BIRTHDAY! (Obvious but I felt I should remind you.)
  5. Fun activities such as cookouts, playing on/in the water, camping, star gazing, baseball games, etc.
  6. Spending time in my hammock.  I almost have an obsession with my hammock.  I apologize if you get sick of reading about how much I love it.
  7. Fresh veggies and fruit. Numm.

So why do you love summer??